Sunday, November 23, 2008

More hilarious out-takes

And now we'll continue with the out-takes from yesterday's shoot. These are just as fun as the real ones, but I so love out-takes. I'm going to have to blog the outtakes for every shoot.

Here's Britten harassing Daddy.

Here's Aunt Beth teaching the kids about bunny ears. That's comedy.

Here's Will stealing Stephen's cell phone

You're going to want to click on this one to see it bigger. It's flippin hilarious. I don't think it needs any explanation. If you've ever attempted a large family portrait with children, then you know what this is about. But it does remind me of this hysterical Barenaked Ladies Christmas song. It's such a funny song, but here's the lyrics if you don't have this album.

Turkeys are done
Reviews are mixed
When's mom going to get that hearing aid fixed?
Hold still, wait for the click
You're in this years Christmas pics
Brother, we don't agree
About the government or where to put the tree
Hold still, wait for the click
You're in this year's Christmas pics

Flash bulbs and wine
and "oh, that's mine"
Everyone's here
They've flown for miles
It looks like we've stood the test and
We're looking our best

Tears rolling down my nephew's face
Santa's house can be a scary place
Hold still
Wait for it
Hold still, wait for the click
You're in this year's Christmas pics

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