Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 3

Ok, I told you I'd tell you how I'm doing this, but you've got to follow me...
Today's Day 3, so I should be at $30.
Dinners for Days 1, 2, and 3 cost $14.39. So that left me with $15 to spend today on what we're running out of. I got more milk, canned fruit, pancakes, cereal, pierogies, and some brownie mix. Stuff like that. That was $15.55, but I had $8 left on a gift card, so I totalled $7 at Target for all that. So... for 3 days, $30, I've spent $22.51 on feeding the fam thus far. Pretty impressive, actually. Tonight we're having pork chops, crash potatoes, green beans, and brownies for dessert. The rest I'll carry over and get some real produce and healthy snacks tomorrow.

And for the Random Pic of the Day, Will when he was a wee little baby. Remember his duck obsession? He's presently agonizing over the whereabouts of these ducks. I'm rolling my eyes.

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