Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Our Day Today

We went to Discovery Green to snap a few of Abby. Jen did some and they'll be way gorgeous, but here's what I got today. 

Friday, July 10, 2009

Cow Appreciation Day

Today is officially Cow Appreciation Day. And to celebrate we went to Chick-fil-a to mooch some free dinner. We got a full out free meal, with the fancy lemonade and everything, and all it costed was our dignity. There was some joking going around about ripping up the cowhide rug and going in that way. Everyone thought it was just a joke...oh, no...it's happening. Here's my beef: I'm the one in front with a cow nose on. Nobody wanted to go in with their face showing. So Anne and Will are hiding under there. Free food, people. 

And as a hilarious sidenote, Brandon starts eating this free meal. It's the only full grown meal on the table and he's going to town on it. So I have to give him a hard time about it. The conversation went something like this:

Me: So you're not willing to dress up like a cow, but you don't have a problem eating my super free meal, huh?
Brandon: *freezing in place with mouth open* Oh, I'm sorry, honey. I didn't realize that this one was yours...
Me: Really, cause I just walked out in public wearing a rug and a paper snout. 

He then proceeds to feel so bad about that silly moment that he insists on going and getting me a meal, and I AGAIN end up eating food that I don't need. It was pretty fun. We all had a good time. Can't wait til next year!